ISSN 2586-9566 (Print) ISSN 2985-0789 (Online)

Phenology and Ecology of Microtoena insuavis (Hance) Prain ex Briq.) at Maelay Sub-Watershed area, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province

Sunitsa Sutthirak1*, Sutheera Hermhuk1,2, Kanitta Satienpirakul1,3 and Kriangsak Sri-ngernyuang1,4
1Program in Geosocial Based Sustainable Development, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
2Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
3Program in Agricultural, Resources and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
4Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
*Corresponding author: Email:

Kampong (Microtoena insuavis) is a plant which is not well?known and it is the origin of the name (Toponymy) ? Mae Kampong. This is a morphological/ phenological and ecological studies of Kampong in Maelay sub ? watershed area, Chiang Mai Province. This study was divided into two parts as follows: 1) characterizing Kampong?s morphological and phenological study. Five Kampong seedlings were selected in order to investigate their growth characteristics in terms of total height (H), root collar diameter (D0), changing of leaves, flowers, fruit and seed during a period of one year. And 2) ecological study of Kampong; a walking survey along the 1-4 streamlines was performed prior to setting up 10 m x 10 m temporary survey plots in 1st and 3rd streamlines where Kampong stems were found (4 plots in each streamline). In each plot, types and numbers of plants found in the area in all habits were recoded. In the case of Kampong, D0 and H are measured together with recording the environmental factors, namely topographic and light intensity. Results of the study showed that the morphological/phenological characteristics of Kampong in terms of phenological growth could be classified into 4 stages: 1) seedling stage; 2) juvenile stage; 3) anthesis stage; and 4) frutescence stage. Findings showed that growth performance of Kampong on the basis of D0 and H throughout the 4 phenological growth stages were positively correlated with average temperature (r = 0.20 and 0.23, respectively). Also, it was found that D0 and H were positively correlated with the amount of rainfall (r = 0.48 and 0.27, respectively). In contrast, inflorescent length has negatively correlated with the average temperature and the amount of rainfall (r = 0.18 and 0.29, respectively). It indicated that an average temperature and rainfall affect Kampong's growth. However, increasing of average temperatures and rainfall affect inflorescent growth. Regarding ecology of Kampong, it is found that the 3rd streamline has higher plant diversity than the 1st streamline. When comparing D0 and H between the areas in streamline 1st and 3rd, non-statistical difference was found. Likewise, non-statistically difference was found when comparing physical environmental factors i.e. % slope, aspect, distance from water sources, and light intensity between the two streamline areas. Results from this study can provide basic information for the conservation of Kampong, which is a toponymy area. Furthermore, knowledge on Kampong could lead the way to identity building for Mae Kampong community based on Kampong?s utilization, possibly as a medicinal plant.

Keywords: Microtoena insuavis, Phenology, Toponymy

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