Plant and Litter Distribution Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest at Maejo University - Phrae Campus
Plant and litter distribution are very important for soil properties in the forest. This study aimed to clarify the species composition and quantitative data of tree and sapling, particular, biomass of litters in deciduous dipterocarp forest, DDF, Maejo University Phrae campus. The sample plots, total 32 plots, were set up which distributed the whole forest area. Then, all information was created into the quantitative characteristic map based on GIS. The result shows that 17 families, 23 genus and 26 species of tree. The important family was Dipterocarpaceae. Tree density and basal area in DDF were 68.64 individuals.ha-1 and 19.94 m2.ha-1. The dominance tree species was Shorea obtusa, Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Dipterocarpus tuberculatns, Shorea siamensis and Buchanania lanzan. While, 13 families 11 genus and 10 species of sapling were found. Sapling density and basal area were 45.49 individual.ha-1 and 12.44 m2.ha-1, respectively. The dominance sapling species was almost the same species as tree which the additional species was Memecylon edule. The biomass of litter was 0.007 ton.ha-1. The highest tree and sapling density distribution area were 3.30 and 7.99 percent of total area, respectively. The highest tree and sapling basal area distribution area were 9.17 and 2.36 percent of total area, respectively. While, the highest biomass of litter distribution area was 5.80 percent of total area. Indicating the biomass of litters had very low due to the low of tree and sapling density in the university forest.
Keywords: plant and litter distribution, deciduous dipterocarp forest, Maejo University Phrae Campus